Sunday, May 29, 2011

A cast of characters

I had some buddies over for a little pool-party yesterday.

The leading man: Miles
The love interest: Chloe
The fiery trouble-maker: Sutera
The partner in crime: Cal

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Here We Go...

Miles and the Gator Mower from Jessica Feezell on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Aunt and Uncle and the impending competition for cuteness

Last weekend after the bike race, we drove up to the Bay Area to throw a shower honoring the welcome of Baby Lamb. My Tia Francesca and Uncle Jamie are having a baby. Can you believe that? She is about to produce my rival for the title of Cutest Baby on Earth, and my mom is throwing her a party for it?! Unbelievable. I have been practising some tricks to keep my Cute Factor up. Lately I say "dada" and "boo"(k) regularly in a sweet baby tone. I wave to people and clap - this never fails to get a smile. And I also like to crawl around and tug on your pants, which while it might be cute now, is bound to get annoying... better think of something else soon. Anyway, congratulations to my Tia and Uncle Jamie, they have never looked happier. x - MF

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Tour of California

On Friday before heading up to the Bay Area, we went to watch the time trials in Solvang that were part of the Tour of California bike race. Dad popped me in my backpack and we enjoyed practicing clapping, hollering, and watching people go by very fast on their bikes. Below are pics of Levi Leipheimer and the tour winner, Chris Horner.

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Let's Make It Official

I love the great hand-me-downs I get from my buddy Will, this one in particular fits me to a T.
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Meet Zu-Zu! He's not a hippo.

After much Internet research, we have determined that this is not a hippo or a cow. Zu-Zu is in fact a zebra! A very large and colorful zebra that was a gift from a dear friend of the family, Connie. Grandma Candy and Papa Tony brought him up this weekend when they came to visit me... I mean, visit "me and my parents"... but come on, we all know they were here to see me. So I now share my bedroom my bedroom with a 3-foot tall, technicolor zebra. Sweet dreams, everyone!

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Making Faces

Last Sunday we celebrated the first Mother's Day for my mom, Food Giver. I got her a really cool tea tumbler and delicious loose-leaf teas to thank her for being such a wonderful mom. Dad, Grammy-C, mom and I went to a delicious brunch at Arnoldi's and enjoyed the sun while kids played Boccie Ball. Thanks mom for the last 9.5 months! Now, can we get back to me please?

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Totally Gifted

There are a lot of expectations placed on me because both of my parents are Ph.D.s. I just want to make sure I live up to the hype.

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WeeFee Liberator of Things

Grammy C has a whole shelf of stuff I just discovered, can reach, and don't get told "NO" whenever I head for it. I am all about it!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Timpany Visit

Last weekend my Grandpa Don and Nana Megan came all the way down from the mountains to see me and my folks. We enjoyed a long beach walk and some great play time. I was sad to see them go!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Miles vs The Gator

Grandpa Fred gave me this Gator. Few things get me this riled up. That little gator has it out for my toes, I just know it.

Miles vs Gator from Jessica Feezell on Vimeo.