Sunday, October 3, 2010

About that "20th Percentile"

This weekend momanddad took me to an Oktoberfest party at Erin & Chris' house. There were a lot of other babies there, many right around my age. Now, I recently informed you that my head is on the small-side, in the 20th percentile to be exact. However, as you can see here, I think there has been some mistake in measurement. Here we are lined up according to age, youngest to oldest (left to right). Apart from noticing that my friend is getting a little fresh with me, you will see that my head is a fine size, quite gordito even. Oregon also creamed Stanford that night. Go Ducks!
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1 comment:

  1. happy to see bird is sitting up on his own. the rest are clearly lemmings.

    ps bird, dont let that lil sis on the left touch your ween.
