Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Aunt and Uncle and the impending competition for cuteness

Last weekend after the bike race, we drove up to the Bay Area to throw a shower honoring the welcome of Baby Lamb. My Tia Francesca and Uncle Jamie are having a baby. Can you believe that? She is about to produce my rival for the title of Cutest Baby on Earth, and my mom is throwing her a party for it?! Unbelievable. I have been practising some tricks to keep my Cute Factor up. Lately I say "dada" and "boo"(k) regularly in a sweet baby tone. I wave to people and clap - this never fails to get a smile. And I also like to crawl around and tug on your pants, which while it might be cute now, is bound to get annoying... better think of something else soon. Anyway, congratulations to my Tia and Uncle Jamie, they have never looked happier. x - MF

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1 comment:

  1. Dear Miles, Thank you for bringing your parents to the baby shower. I had lots of fun playing with you, and learning about parenting from your mom and dad. Your cousin just needs a little more time and then you'll have a playmate when we visit! She's looking forward to meeting you.
    Love you little man, Tia
